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You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn’t use Google in some capacity. Having a Google account is common, and it’s free to create and use. Instead, Google makes money on additional service fees, such as higher file storage capacity. But what if you have a Google account that you no longer use? How do you go about cancelling it? Read on to find out how to delete your Google account.

How To Delete Your Google Account

To cancel a Google account, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Google Account
  • Go to the “Data & Privacy” section 
  • Go to “Your data & privacy options”
  • Choose “More options” 
  • Choose “Delete your Google Account”
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to carry out the cancellation

Keep in mind that you’ll need to delete each Google account you have individually. Cancelling one will not delete all your Google accounts. 

Are Google Accounts Free?

A Google account is free and comes with 15 GB of storage at no extra charge. 

Creating a Google account is easy and simply requires your name, birth date, and location. Once you open a Google account, a Gmail email address will automatically be created, which is also free.

What Happens If You Delete Your Google Account?

By cancelling your Google Account, you’ll lose the following:

  • All data and content in that account, such as emails, files, and images.
  • Access to subscriptions and content purchased with that account on Google Play or YouTube, such as apps, music, games, movies, and TV programs.
  • Ability to use Google services where you log in with that specific account, such as Gmail, Google Drive, or Google Play.

What Happens If You Have A Google One Subscription?

Every Google account comes with free 15GB of storage. However, if the 15 GB that comes with a free Google account is not enough to meet your needs, you can subscribe to a Google One plan for additional storage. There are a few plans to choose from:

Price$2.79/month or
$3.99/month or
$13.99/month or
Storage 100 GB200 GB2 TB

If you no longer want the storage or you’re trying to cut back on costs, you can cancel you subscription to Google One.

How To Cancel Your Google One Subscription

You can cancel your Google One subscription at any time, either on a web browser or your mobile device:

Cancelling Google One On Your Web Browser: 

  • Visit the Google One website on your computer (
  • Click “Settings”
  • Click “Cancel membership” to confirm

How To Cancel Your Google One On Your Android:

  • In the Google One app, choose “Menu” at the top
  • Choose “Settings”
  • Choose “Cancel membership”
  • Choose “Cancel membership” again

Cancelling Google One On Your iPhone:

  • In the Google One app, choose “Menu” 
  • Choose “Membership plans” 
  • Choose “Manage plan”
  • Choose “Cancel membership”
  • The subscription management page will pop up
  • Choose “Cancel Subscription” 

What Happens To Your Google Storage If You Cancel Your Google One Subscription?

If you cancel your Google One subscription, you’ll lose the extra benefits that come with it, including extra storage. You’ll revert back to the free plan that comes with 15 GB of storage at no extra charge.

The following restrictions may apply to the following accounts if you cancel your Google One subscription while you’re using in excess of 15 GB of storage: 

  • Gmail. You won’t be able to send or receive messages. If you exceed your storage quota for at least 2 years, your emails may be deleted.
  • Google Photos. You won’t be able to back up any photos or videos. If you exceed your storage quota for at least 2 years, your content may be deleted.
  • Google Drive. You won’t be able to upload or sync files or create new files in Google Docs, Sheets, Forms, Slides, Drawings, or Jamboard. If you exceed your storage quota for at least 2 years, your content may be deleted. 

What Can You Do With The Money Saved From Cancelling Your Google Account?

Depending on your subscription plan and whether you plan monthly or annually, you can save up to $167.88 a year. That money can be used for a number of other things including:

  • An Emergency Fund – Having an emergency fund is crucial to managing financial crises and unexpected expenses. While $167.88 may not seem like much, cancelling various subscriptions can add to it and create a decent nest egg for emergencies. 
  • Pay Off Debts – Whether you’re trying to pay down a credit card or a personal loan, an extra couple hundred bucks can help you tackle your debt. The faster you’re able to reduce your debt the better your finances will be, including your credit scores.

Final Thoughts

Unless you make purchases or upgrade to premium plans, having a Google account is free. That said, you may no longer have any use for it. If that’s the case, you can quickly and easily cancel your Google account, either on a web browser or via your mobile device.   

Delete Your Google Account FAQs

Do you lose access to the Play Store if you cancel your Google Account?

As mentioned, you’ll be unable to use Google services where you sign in with the account you cancel, like Google Play. So, if the account you’re cancelling is used to sign in to the Play Store, you may lose access.

Is Google Play different from your Google account?

Google Play is connected to your Google account, which is what you use to sign into Google services. As such, you need a Google account to access Google Play.

Will I lose my pictures if I stop paying for Google Storage?

If you stop paying for additional storage used to house your photos, you won’t be able to add any more images. Google will also send you notifications telling you to either delete images and other files until you’re within your allotted storage capacity or continue paying for additional storage. If you exceed your storage quota for at least 2 years, your content may be deleted.

Does Google charge any fees?

Google is free to use. You won’t be charged to use Google services such as Google Play or Google Drive. The only fees you’ll pay are for specific purchases made, plus applicable taxes and delivery charges.

Does Google offer any discounts on their Google One subscription?

All the Google One subscription plans offer a 1-month free trial, as well as the following added perks:
  • Access to Google experts
  • Share with up to 5 people
  • Additional Google Photos editing features
  • VPN for multiple devices
The Premium plan also comes with a Google Workspace premium.
Lisa Rennie avatar on Loans Canada
Lisa Rennie

Lisa has been working as a personal finance writer for more than a decade, creating unique content that helps to educate Canadian consumers in the realms of real estate, mortgages, investing and financial health. For years, she held her real estate license in Toronto, Ontario before giving it up to pursue writing within this realm and related niches. Lisa is very serious about smart money management and helping others do the same.

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