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Bed bugs can cause major financial damage if you don’t take care of the problem quickly. If you’ve noticed bed bugs in your apartment, it’s important that you contact your landlord immediately before it starts to spread. Getting rid of bed bugs in Canada can not only cost a lot but can take a lot of effort.

If you’re not sure if you or your landlord should be covering the bed bug extermination costs, keep on reading.

Is My Landlord Responsible For Bed Bug Infestation?

Generally speaking, it is the landlord’s responsibility to provide a safe and habitable home for tenants, and this includes ensuring that the home is free of pest infestation.

That said, some provinces have specific legislation covering bed bugs, while others do not. In the case of the latter, disputes may be heard before an arbitrator to determine who is responsible for the bed bug infestation and paying for extermination.

In most cases, the landlords are responsible for ensuring the property is free of bed bugs and complying with local health standards. However, tenants have a responsibility to keep their homes clean to avoid bed bug infestation and cooperate with their landlord’s efforts to keep bed bugs under control. If there is clear evidence that shows the tenant directly caused the infestation, they may be on the hook for the exterminator costs. 

Yukon – Bed Bug Infestation Laws

Yukon is slightly different in terms of what landlords are required to do to prevent and deal with bed bug infestation. For one, landlords must do maintenance work on the property before tenants move in. This requirement is not included in the by-laws of other provinces. 

Secondly, tenants and landlords in the Yukon are equally responsible for any bed bug infestation. Given this, tenants can be evicted if they create an unsanitary environment that leads to pest infestation, which is not the case in other provinces. 

Further, tenants in the Yukon may also be responsible for covering the costs of bed bug treatment and supplies. To mitigate bed bug infestation, landlords are required to provide tenants with information on how to avoid infestation at the time of move-in, which can be found in the Tenant Handbook or under the Integrated Pest Management program.

Provincial and municipal public health officials handle local health issues, including bed bug infestations, and can provide the most up-to-date information. Tenants should reach out to their respective government offices to find out what recourse they may have if they find bed bugs in their homes.

What Can I Do If My Landlord Won’t Pay For Bed Bug Treatment?

If your home is infested with bed bugs, your first step is to notify your landlord about the problem right away. If at that point your landlord refuses to deal with the issue or pay for fumigation, you’d be well-advised to reach out to your municipal housing board. 

You can bring a case before the board to have your landlord pay for bed bug treatment. You will likely need to provide proof of the infestation and that it was not something that you caused. Otherwise, you may consider contacting a legal clinic near you for legal advice.  

Financial Costs Of Dealing With Bed Bugs In Canada

As already mentioned, the cost of bed bug treatment ultimately falls on the landlord, unless there is clear evidence to show that the tenant directly caused the infestation. In most cases, however, the landlord or owner of the property is required to cover the cost of extermination.

But there are other costs associated with dealing with bed bugs, including the following:

New furniture

With professional and timely treatment, it’s possible to eliminate bed bugs and save your furniture. However, heavily infested furniture might have to be discarded, especially if the furniture is in rough shape and features crevices and holes where pests can easily hide. In that case, you’ll need to budget for the purchase of new furniture.

New Mattress

If your mattress has holes or tears, bed bugs can easily hide in these places, making them difficult to eliminate. In such cases, you may want to replace it, especially if it’s in rough condition. Along with new furniture, a new mattress can be a significant expense and can cost you hundreds of dollars.

New Carpeting

Bed bugs can hide in the fibres and padding of your carpet, so your first reaction may be to replace it. However, carpet replacements are very expensive and removing carpets can actually spread bed bugs to other parts of your home if you’re not careful. If you do decide to get a new carpet, wait until after the fumigation is complete and all bed bugs have been eliminated to reduce the risk of spreading any bugs possibly left behind.

New Bedding

Bed bugs can be eliminated from your bedding by running it through the dryer on the hottest cycle. But if the thought of lying on bed sheets that were once infested with bed bugs bothers you, then replacing them might put your mind at ease. Again, bedding can be pricey, though not nearly as expensive as replacing your furniture, mattress, or carpeting. 

Government Financial Aid For Bed Bugs In Canada

Several provincial and municipal governments offer financial assistance to cover the cost of eliminating bed bugs. Here are a few examples:

Manitoba Bed Bug Aid

The Non-Profit Community Pest Control Grant Program in Manitoba provides grants to non-profit organizations to deal with pest infestations in two ways:

  • They help non-profits that are in need of financial help to participate in training, treatment, and prevention practices necessary to eliminate bed bugs and other pests. 
  • Homelessness Support offers support to non-profit service providers that work with tenants to access and maintain adequate housing.

Alberta Bed Bug Aid

Low-income seniors in Alberta may be eligible for financial assistance to support the cost of certain health and personal supports, including the treatment of bed bugs. Seniors can get up to $1,272 to put toward the costs of preparing and fumigating a home due to a bed bug infestation.

Toronto Bed Bug Aid

Tenants in Toronto who live in a Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) unit may be eligible for some compensation if there is a bed bug infestation in their home. 

The city’s Housing Stabilization Fund (HSF) is designed to prevent homelessness by meeting certain urgent housing needs of Toronto residents who are receiving financial assistance from Ontario Works and income support from the Ontario Disability Support Program. HSF may be issued to help with the costs associated with beds and mattresses when bed bug treatment has been verified. 

Requests for assistance must be made within 60 days of the bed bug treatment date, and funds can be issued once in 24 months to cover the cost of bed and soft furniture replacement and encasements.

Hamilton Bed Bug Aid

The Housing Help Centre is available to residents of Hamilton and provides a myriad of resources for various purposes, including bed bug issues. If you have a bed bug infestation in your home, you can reach out to the centre at (905)-526-8100. 

You can also visit their website to find a list of treatment and preparation companies, as well as contact information for useful community resources, including the Landlord and Tenant Board, Public Health Bed Bug Reporting, and Hamilton Community Legal Clinic. 

There are also resources on the site to help tenants identify, prevent, and remove bed bugs.

Alternative Housing And Hygiene Aid In The Case Of A Bed Bug In Canada

If you have to leave your home and relocate due to a bed bug infestation, or need access to laundry accommodation and financial help to cover these costs, there are resources available all across the country. 

Alternative Financial Resources In Quebec 

Social Solidarity Program. This program provides financial assistance to individuals or families with limited employment capacity. Funds can be used towards improving their living situation, such as replacing and purchasing essential items for the home following bed bug infestation. 

Low-Rental Housing. This program is designed to support low-income residents in improving their housing conditions or relocating. Under the program, tenants can pay rent equal to 25% of their income.

Alternative Financial Resources In Alberta

Laundry Program. Residents facing barriers to laundry facilities or clean clothing can access affordable laundry facilities throughout Alberta. The Mustard Seed in Edmonton, for instance, provides laundry vouchers to those in need, which can be a great help when it comes to cleaning clothes, bedding, and other textiles after bed bug infestation.  

Housing Programs. The Government of Alberta subsidized housing to low-income Alberta families with housing needs to ensure they can afford their rent. Types of provincially subsidized housing include the following:

  • Community Housing
  • Seniors Apartments
  • Seniors Lodges
  • Special Needs Housing

Clothing Programs. There are a handful of services in Alberta that offer free clothing for residents who need to replace their items following bed bug infestation, including the following:

  • The Olive Tree Community Centre, 5002 51 Ave., Lloydminster, AB
  • Mill Woods United Church Clothing Bank, 15 Grand Meadow Cres. NW, Edmonton, AB
  • The Elizabeth Fry Society of Northern Alberta Clothing Closet, 10242 105 St. NW, Edmonton, AB

Alternative Financial Resources In PEI

Laundry Program. Low-income Charlottetown residents can get access to affordable laundry facilities at the city’s community outreach centre located at 211 Euston Street. 

Housing Program. Low-income PEI residents facing potential homelessness after vacating their homes as a result of bed bug infestation may be eligible for housing support. Applications are chosen and reviewed based on certain criteria, such as income level and housing situation. 

Clothing Program. PEI women who require clothing can find what they need at prices they can afford at First Impressions, a non-profit organization in Charlottetown that provides free clothing, footwear, and accessories.

Alternative Financial Resources In Nova Scotia

Laundry Program. The Brunswick Street Mission provides free laundry machine use to unhoused residents in the Halifax region.

Housing Program. The Canada-Nova Scotia Targeted Housing Benefit provides a monthly benefit to eligible households in Nova Scotia to help cover a portion of their housing costs. Funding is available to renters or homeowners who pay over half of their gross household income on rent or housing costs, respectively.

Clothing Program. The Parker Street Food and Furniture Bank provides a clothing bank to low-income residents of the Halifax area. 

Alternative Financial Resources In New Brunswick

Laundry Program. The Salvation Army in Moncton offers free use of laundry appliances and supplies to residents of the city who are experiencing homelessness or low income.

Housing Program. New Brunswick’s Rent Supplement Assistance Program provides financial assistance to needy households to access affordable and suitable rental housing through subsidized rent. Applicants must have a specific need for special purpose accommodation and currently be living in an inadequate dwelling to qualify.

Clothing Program. The Salvation Army Fredericton Community Church provides various services to Fredericton-area families in need, including clothing. There is also help available to Minto residents from the Minto Community Resource Centre, which provides a clothing bank and thrift store.

Alternative Financial Resources In Saskatchewan

Laundry Programs. The Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) is a program that offers income support to those with significant long-term disabilities. This includes a laundry allowance for those who:

  • Are unable to do laundry because of their disability
  • Do not have access to laundry facilities
  • Must pay for use of laundry facilities

The allowance amount ranges from $10 to $25, depending on the size of the household. 

Residents of Regina also have access to a local laundromat that provides free washing services and a diaper bank to low-income families. 

Housing Program. The Social Housing Program in Saskatchewan provides safe and suitable housing to low-income families, seniors, and people with disabilities. The program subsidizes rent based on financial need. 

Clothing Program. Residents of Saskatoon can purchase low-cost clothing, toiletries, and other necessities at the Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre’s Clothing Depot.

Income Support. The Saskatchewan Income Support program provides a monthly financial benefit to low-income families to ensure that their basic needs are met as they work toward becoming more independent and self-sufficient.

Alternative Financial Resources In Newfoundland and Labrador

Subsidized Housing For People With Disabilities. The Department of Health and Community Services funds several programs for people with disabilities who meet program eligibility requirements, such as the following:

  • Special Child Welfare Allowance Program
  • Prescription Drug Program
  • Special Assistance Program – Medical equipment and supplies
  • Provincial Home Support Program

Housing Support. Renters and homeowners can receive financial support through one of the provincial government’s housing programs. Through the Rental Housing Program, low-income earners can access rental rates based on 25% of their net monthly income. Homeowners can tap into various programs, including the following:

  • Home Energy Savings Program 
  • Home Modification Program 
  • Provincial Home Repair Program 
  • First-time Homebuyers Program

Alternative Financial Resources In Ontario

Housing Assistance Programs. The Canada-Ontario Housing Benefit is offered to eligible renters to help offset rental costs. The benefit pays the difference between 30% of household income and the average market rent in the area. To qualify, applicants must live in Ontario and be on the waiting list for social housing. 

Non-Profit Assistance. To minimize homelessness in Ontario, Services and Housing In the Province (SHIP) provides various housing options to residents experiencing mental health issues. Several Supportive Housing options are offered throughout the province under SHIP, each providing housing and support services within community borders.

Emergency Housing. Ontarians who face an imminent threat of homelessness can access many emergency shelters across the Province. For instance, in the York Region, locals can call the York Region Emergency Housing Central Intake Line if they are seeking emergency shelter.

Laundry Co-Op. Residents of Ottawa can access affordable laundry facilities at the Community Laundry Co-Operative located at 404 McArthur Ave. The organization also runs Community Impact Laundry, which provides professional-grade laundry services to people and businesses in Ottawa. All profits earned go toward low-cost laundry and social support for residents who are unable to afford clean clothes. 

Senior Laundry Service. It can be difficult for seniors to access laundry facilities for many reasons, including mobility issues and transportation limitations. To counter this, On-Demand Laundry Service in Toronto offers free laundry pickup and delivery services to seniors. All clothing items are washed, dried, folded, and returned in pristine condition within 48 hours.

Alternative Financial Resources In Manitoba

Housing Program. Eligible residents of Manitoba with disabilities may qualify for rent top-up, which provides additional funding (within limits) to help cover the full cost of rent. 

Clothing Programs. The following Winnipeg-area centres offer free or low-cost clothing:

  • Anishinabe Fellowship Centre, Sept. 2022 287 Laura St.
  • Bethlehem Aboriginal Fellowship, 467 Manitoba Ave.
  • Centre Flavie Laurent, 301 Archibald Rd.
  • Fort Garry Women’s Resource Centre, 1150-A Waverly

Free Furniture. Centre Flavie in Winnipeg gives out free furniture, appliances, and other household items to those in need. The centre is located at 301 Archibald Rd.

Alternative Financial Resources In British Columbia

Housing Programs. BC Housing offers emergency shelters across the province. Some provide temporary housing solutions for emergencies, while others are more long-term in nature. You can find a shelter near you by clicking here and searching by city, postal code, or neighbourhood.

Clothing Programs. Free clothing is provided by several outlets across the city of Vancouver, including the following:

  • The Door is Open, 255 Dunlevy Ave.
  • Miscellany Finds, 1029 Commercial Dr.
  • Dress for Success, 675 West Hastings St.

You can find more free clothing providers in Vancouver by clicking here.

Helpful Organizations If You Have Bed Bugs In Canada

No matter where you are in Canada, there are various resources you can use to help keep your costs low while dealing with a bed bug infestation. Whether you live in a big city like Toronto or a remote one like Regina, these are some organizations you can use to help cut costs.

Salvation Army. For over a century, The Salvation Army has been meeting the needs of Canadians through various services, including the following:

  • Emergency shelters
  • Youth and senior housing
  • Social service programs 
  • Food banks
  • Life-skills classes 
  • Thrift stores

Free Laundry Access Charity. This program helps Canadians facing financial hardships by covering the cost of laundry in self-service laundromats. This includes the cost to wash and dry items, as well as laundry supplies, such as detergent and dryer sheets. 

Free Laundry Access is partnered with laundromats in major cities across Canada. The program is valid for one year, and participants must apply and get accepted into the program before taking advantage of the free services.  

How To Dispose Of Furniture Infested With Bed Bugs In Canada

If you choose to discard your furniture after bed bug infestation, you need to take careful steps to ensure that you don’t inadvertently spread the problem throughout other parts of your home and even into your neighbours’ homes. 

To properly dispose of your bed bug-infested furniture, start by wrapping the furniture in plastic to prevent the bed bugs from escaping. Try to make the wrapping as air-tight as possible and ensure complete coverage. 

Reach out to your city’s garbage disposal department to see if you can leave your furniture curbside for pick-up. If so, make sure to post a sign on the furniture identifying it as infested so that no one else picks it up.  

Otherwise, you may choose to carefully transport the furniture to the local dump that accepts such deposits. Alternatively, you may want to consider hiring a junk removal company to pick up your furniture for you and bring it to the proper disposal site near you.

Final Thoughts: How To Avoid Bed Bugs In Canada

The best way to deal with bed bugs is to prevent them from infesting your home in the first place. Regularly vacuum your home, reduce clutter, and avoid bringing in discarded items from outside your home. Even when you’re buying something new, inspect the item carefully for any signs of these tiny reddish-brown critters. You can’t be too careful when it comes to bed bugs, considering the nuisance they can cause once they’ve taken over your home.

Bed Bug FAQs

How do I treat bed bugs?

Time is key when it comes to dealing with the presence of bed bugs. If you notice a bed bug in your home, call your landlord about the situation immediately. They will usually call a pest control company right away to have your home treated.  While you’re waiting for the professionals to arrive, thoroughly vacuum all areas of your home, as well as all furniture and mattresses. You can use a steamer on surfaces, such as sofas, mattresses, and other surfaces. Ideally, however, heat treatments should be done by the professionals. For all textiles, including clothing and bedding, wash in hot water and place them in the dryer at the highest heat setting for at least 30 minutes. If you plan to discard anything, be sure to wrap them in plastic first.

Should I DIY bed bug treatment?

While there may be things you can do to alleviate your bed bug situation, it’s best to leave the treatment to the experts.

Where do I check for bed bugs?

Bed bugs can be anywhere and often travel from room to room. Start with your bed, including around the mattress seams, tags, and piping. Check the box spring and the entire frame of the bed, especially in cracks and crevices.  If your room is heavily infested with bed bugs, you may even find them in between carpet fibres, in the seams of sofas and chairs, between cushions, and in curtain folds.
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Lisa Rennie

Lisa has been working as a personal finance writer for more than a decade, creating unique content that helps to educate Canadian consumers in the realms of real estate, mortgages, investing and financial health. For years, she held her real estate license in Toronto, Ontario before giving it up to pursue writing within this realm and related niches. Lisa is very serious about smart money management and helping others do the same.

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