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Trade workers can work anywhere in the country by completing the Red Seal Trades Certification program. Plus, the demand for trade jobs is at an all-time high in Canada, with construction and manufacturing reaching record-high levels for demand in 2023. They offer good pay and you never have to spend your day sitting at a desk.

The Red Seal Trades Certification is a program that offers nationwide industry-standard training to Canada’s trade workers. All provinces and territories recognize the Red Seal Certification.

900,000 Open Jobs In Canada

Job vacancy rates were at an all-time high last year, with just over 900,000 vacancies in Canada’s workforce. That means that nearly 1,000,000 jobs were not filled.

Many vacant jobs that remain unfilled are within the trades industries, with record high levels. Luckily, trade jobs are amongst the highest-paying in Canada. Plus, government grants for training and education in these industries allow applicants to qualify with little upfront costs.

What Is The Red Seal Program?

The Red Seal Program is a certification program geared toward elevating skills for workers in the trades industry. It’s offered by Employment and Social Development Canada, which has partnered with all provinces and territories to provide nationwide training. Trades workers who complete the program and pass the exam receive a Red Seal endorsement, confirming they have met the national standard for their specific trade.

How Can I Qualify For The Red Seal Program?

Qualifications to take the Red Seal Exam range from province to province. Most often those wanting to take the exam must have completed an eligible apprenticeship program or have the required work experience.

There is no age requirement to take the Red Seal Trade Certification, however, some apprenticeships may require applicants to be 18 or above. To take the certification, you do not need to be a Canadian citizen, but you must have permanent residency*.

*Note: The requirements for a Red Seal Program can vary by province or territory, as well as by the trade and type of tradesperson. Be sure to verify the requirements by visiting your official apprenticeship and certification website of your province or territory. 

What Trades Are Eligible For The Red Seal Program?

Trades available under the Red Seal Trades include welders, plumbers, hair stylists, cooks, roofers and carpenters. 

The comprehensive list includes 56 different Red Seal trades. Some provinces do not offer Red Seal Certified Training for all 56 trades, so it’s important to contact your Red Seal provincial or territorial apprenticeship and certification office for more details.

Red Seal Trades support a variety of jobs essential to our daily lives and economy, including interior and exterior home repair, the automotive industry, and food production.

Many of these trades eligible for the Red Seal Program are currently in high demand. Construction and manufacturing are particularly in demand. Most recent Canadian statistics show there is a high vacancy of construction jobs and manufacturing jobs in Canada. 

High Paying Jobs

Moreover, some of the jobs that are a part of the Red Seal Certification account for the highest paying jobs in Canada. Certain jobs in construction such as heavy-duty equipment technician, industrial mechanic, pipefitter and refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic have incomes as high as $70,000 to $77,000.

That is what you can earn within the first year of certification. After that, construction wages can grow between 10-20%. 

Financial Support For Students Studying The Red Seal Certification  

The cost of the certification varies from province to province and ranges between $50 and $450. There are multiple forms of financial support available to tradespeople who are in the process of completing or have completed the Red Seal Trades Certification. 

The Canada Apprentice Loan

The Canada Apprentice Loan offers up to $4,000 for apprentices in Red Seal Trades during the technical training period to support the completion of their training.

Apprentices can apply for this loan until two days before their technical training is complete. Residents of Quebec are not able to qualify for the Canada Apprentice Loan.

The Apprenticeship Incentive Grant & The Apprenticeship Completion Grant

Those who have completed their first or second year in an apprenticeship can apply for the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant. This is a taxable grant offering between $1,000 and $2,000 per person. 

Those who have completed their apprenticeship training and have obtained a journeyperson certification in a Red Seal trade can apply for the Apprenticeship Completion Grant. This taxable grant offers $2,000 per person. 

There are deadlines for both the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and the Apprenticeship Completion Grant. Deadlines and eligibility requirements can be found on the Apprenticeship Grants website.

Is There Support For Immigrants Studying Or Working In Trades?

Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) offers an express entry immigration pathway to skilled workers entering Canada. This program allows immigrants to obtain their permanent residence within 6 months. 

Immigrants who have arrived in Canada can apply for loans through the Windmill Microlending Skilled Immigrant Loan Review. A Windmill loan allows you to build a credit history with each payment you make plus you can access a low-interest rate of 6.7%.

For immigrants looking to get into the trades, this loan will cover education and training for programs of 2 years or less, licensing and qualifying exam fees and any equipment – such as books and course materials.

It also covers living costs while receiving training, licensing or relocating. This may cause newcomers accessing this loan to go into debt. Though loans can be costly, highest paying trade jobs offer a yearly salary of approximately $70,000-$77,000 yearly. This means loans become much more affordable and easier to pay off.

Are There Scholarships For Students Wanting To Work In The Trades?

Loans Canada offers scholarships to students twice each year. They offer $750 to a student that can demonstrate how they practice financial literacy.

Through numerous grants offered to those who are completing or have completed the Red Seal Trades Certification training, there is support available from the Canadian Government. Once completed, you can work anywhere in Canada and have the ability to make up to $77,000 a year at an entry-level job.

Red Seal Certification FAQs

What does it mean to be Red Seal Certified?

Being Red Seal Certified means you have the national standard training for trades across the country. With this certification, you can work at any Red Seal Certified trades job in any province and territory.

Do I have to be a Canadian citizen to get Red Seal Certified?

You do not need to be a Canadian citizen to get Red Seal Certified, but you need to be a permanent resident.

What is a skilled trade in Canada?

Skilled trades include Drywall Finisher and Plasterer, Cabinetmaker, Bricklayer and more. There are 55 different trades that are Red Seal Certified. You can view the full comprehensive list here.
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Savanna Craig

Savanna Craig is a multi-platform journalist and producer. She hosts and produces Local 514, a Montreal-based web series focused on environmental, social and civic issues. She also writes feature articles, produces podcasts and more.

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