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If you’re thinking of buying a house in Quebec, one of the first things you should do is get familiar with housing costs in the province. Buying a home is an expensive undertaking and one that requires careful consideration. 

You’ll need to ensure that the homes you eventually look at come with listing prices that closely align with your finances. Even if your income can cover the mortgage payments, you should still leave some wiggle room for other expenses that tend to come with everyday living. 

Let’s take a look at where house prices are currently in Quebec.

Average House Price In Quebec

The average price for a house in Quebec is $542,646. That’s a 10.1% increase from the same month last year. Keep in mind that this is the province-wide average for a home, which may be much different from different cities across Quebec. 

Consider the following areas in Quebec and their average home prices: 

  • Montreal CMA: $549,900
  • Gatineau*: $474,421
  • Central Quebec*: $305,800
  • Trois-Rivières CMA: $387,546

Average House Price In Quebec Compared To Canada

Home Prices 2025 Year-Over-Year % Change
Nova Scotia$415,4006.2%
Prince Edward Island$365,4003.7%
Newfoundland and Labrador*$335,44812%
British Columbia$951,365-0.8%
New Brunswick$318,90012.4%
Source: CREA Price Map
*based on MLS HPI benchmark prices

What Can Affect The Listing Price Of A House In Quebec?

Sellers come up with listing prices with the assistance of their real estate agents. While the final sale price might not necessarily exactly match the asking price, it should be pretty close if the listing price reflects the current market. So, how are listing prices determined?


When it comes to real estate, location will always be the key factor in determining the value of a property. However, there are many aspects to assessing a home’s location when it comes to assigning value.

For starters, a home’s location will be assessed in terms of its proximity to amenities such as roadways, public transit, groceries, entertainment, schools, parks, and others. Anything that can make the location more desirable for buyers will, in turn, help make the home more valuable. 

Other factors also play a role, such as the home’s exact location within a neighbourhood. For example, whether the home is on a busy street or is tucked away on a quiet cul-de-sac will also make a difference in property value. And the reputation of the neighbourhood also matters, such as crime and economic statistics. 


The term “comps” is short for “comparables” and refers to similar properties in the area that have recently sold. Real estate agents use comps to come up with listing prices for their seller clients. 

These recently sold properties tell the story of what the current market is doing. It’s not enough to just look at current listing prices, though this can be helpful. Instead, the actual sale price is what should be looked at, which is exactly the type of information agents review when they come up with a listing price. 

Ideally, the comps included on the list should meet the following criteria:

  • Be located in the same neighbourhood
  • Have recently sold no further back than 3 to 6 months prior
  • Be similar to the subject properties (similar size, type, and number of bedrooms)

The closer in similarity the comps are to the subject property, the more accurate the listing price will be. 

Condition Of Your Home

Even if two properties are the same size and type, they could differ a great deal in terms of their condition. While one home may be in very good shape, the other could be in dire need of TLC. The one that’s in much better condition would be valued higher than the home that needs repair and updating. 

As such, any refurbishments made can affect a home’s value. Buyers may be more willing to pay more for a home that’s in good condition and has been recently updated than a home that could use a little work. Generally speaking, homes in need of TLC will be listed at lower prices to accommodate the work and money needed to bring them up to par. 

Curious about what the minimum wage is in Quebec?

Can You Afford A House In Quebec?

To calculate how much house you can afford in Quebec, you’ll need to look at your income, current debts and total home costs. 

To figure that out, take the following steps:

1. Make A List Of All Your Current Expenses

You might have some idea of how much you currently spend on expenses, but you’ll need an exact number to accurately determine how much of your income would be left over for mortgage payments. Consider the more common expenses below:

  • Credit card bills
  • Car loans
  • Student loans
  • Personal loans
  • Car insurance
  • Gas
  • Utilities
  • Groceries
  • Entertainment
  • Subscriptions
  • Miscellaneous expenses

Calculating all your outgoing expenditures every month and compare them to what you earn will give you a better idea of how much money there is left that can be dedicated to paying a mortgage.

2. Calculate Your GDS And TDS

Lenders will use GDS and TDS ratios to determine the loan amount you may be approved for. Armed with this information, you’ll have a better sense of the price you can afford to pay when looking for a home to buy in Quebec. 

How To Calculate Your GDS And TDS

  • Gross debt service (GDS) ratio. This ratio is a measure of all your housing debt compared to your income. Housing costs include the principal, interest, taxes, and half of any applicable condo fees. Lenders prefer to see GDS ratios of less than 30% to 39%, otherwise, you may be seen as too much of a risk to your lender. 
  • Total debt service (TDS) ratio. This ratio is a measure of your total debt — including any housing debt — compared to your income. Lenders prefer to see TDS ratios of less than 44%. 

What Are The Costs Of Owning A Home?

In addition to making your mortgage payments, there are plenty of other bills that will need to be covered as a homeowner. You’ll need to account for these costs and include them in your overall budget to make sure you can comfortably afford your mortgage and all the bills that come with it. Crunching the numbers will also help ensure that you don’t wind up “house poor.”

Here are some of the common expenses you can expect when owning a home:

  • Property taxes
  • Home insurance
  • Utilities
  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Condo fees (if applicable)

Final Thoughts

Quebec is a relatively affordable province to buy a home in, especially when compared to other provinces — like Ontario and British Columbia — and Canada’s average price as a whole. Regardless of where in Quebec you plan to buy a home, it would be in your best interests to evaluate your finances, take the time to save up for a sizable down payment, and do your homework so that you can focus on looking at homes you can comfortably afford.

Quebec House Prices FAQs

Should you get pre-approved for a mortgage?

Yes, getting pre-approved for a mortgage will tell you the maximum loan amount you can take out after an assessment of your finances. Armed with this number, you can then start looking at homes that match your financial comfort zone. 

Do home renovations bring up house prices?

Homes that have been updated and are in tip-top shape can fetch higher prices. As a buyer, you’ll want to assess the listing prices of homes you are looking at, which your real estate agent will help you do.  However, do note that sometimes expensive renovations don’t necessarily mean more value was added to the home. Often you don’t see the return on those ultra-luxury renovations on average houses. 

Are houses cheaper in Quebec than in Ontario?

Yes, the average cost of a house in Quebec is $542,646 while the average cost of a house in Ontario is $833,525.

What is the average home price in Quebec?

The average house price in Quebec is about $542,646.

How do home prices in Quebec compare to other provinces?

Quebec’s home prices are typically lower compared to provinces such as Ontario and British Columbia, tough they tend to be higher than Maritime and Atlantic provinces.

What factors impact home prices in Quebec? 

Factors that affect the housing market in Quebec include location, property size, and market demand.

Have home prices in Quebec increase or decreased over the past year? 

Home prices in Quebec have increased year-over-year by 10.1%.

What is the average price of a condo in Quebec? 

The average price of a condo in Quebec is around $393,200.

What is the average rent in Quebec? 

The average rent in Quebec is roughly $1,966 per month.

Are there government programs to assistance with the cost of housing in Quebec? 

Yes, programs such as AccèsLogis and the Rent Supplement Program can help with housing costs.
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Lisa Rennie

Lisa has been working as a personal finance writer for more than a decade, creating unique content that helps to educate Canadian consumers in the realms of real estate, mortgages, investing and financial health. For years, she held her real estate license in Toronto, Ontario before giving it up to pursue writing within this realm and related niches. Lisa is very serious about smart money management and helping others do the same.

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