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Don’t get scared by GST/HST payment dates. You’re not the one paying. You’re the one getting paid.

Nobody enjoys paying GST/HST on nearly every single purchase you make. You look at it like a debt or a never-ending loan payment you never asked for.

However, the Canadian government gives money back through GST/HST tax credits to people and families who don’t earn a lot. Getting the GST/HST tax credit is a benefit and it doesn’t hurt your credit score or prevent you from getting financing.

These tax credits and deductions help offset the amount we pay in taxes throughout the year. The GST/HST tax credit involves a series of installments. Just like every other credit or deduction, you need to ask for it when filing your taxes.

Want to know what the GST/HST tax credit is and when the GST payment dates are? Keep on reading to learn more.

GST/HST Tax Credit Key Points

Payment DatesPaid out on the 5th day of January, April, July, and October.
Payment Amount– $496 for single eligible adults over the age of 19.
– $171 for each child you have that’s under the age of 19.
– $650 for those who are married or are in a common-law relationship.
Payment MethodDirect deposit or cheque by mail
ApplicationSimply file your income taxes every year to be considered for this tax credit. 

What Is The GST/HST Tax Credit?

When you purchase various goods and services in Canada, chances are you’ll have to pay Goods and Sales Tax (GST) and/or Harmonized Sales Tax (HST). For lower-income bracket households, the GST/HST tax credit is a financial benefit provided by the federal government to help offset the amount of GST and HST that consumers get charged during a tax year. 

The credit involves 4 annual (quarterly) non-taxable payments and is meant for families, spouses, common-law partners, and individuals who have low to moderate net incomes.

Do you have children? Check out these tax benefits for parents

GST/HST Payment Dates 2024

Remember, the CRA generally pays out the GST/HST tax credit quarterly. The payments are drawn out over a 12-month period that spans from July 1st of the subsequent year (following the base year) to June 30th of the next year. 

GST payments are generally paid out on the 5th day of January, April, July, and October. This may vary slightly if the 5th falls on a weekend or statutory holiday.

GST payment dates are as follows:

GST Payment Dates 2024
January 5, 2024
April 5, 2024
July 5, 2024
October 4, 2024

Keep in mind that there are times when your quarterly GST/HST tax credit payment could arrive a little bit late. If you don’t receive your payment after about 10 business days, be sure to contact the Canada Revenue Agency and get the situation resolved.

How Much Can You Receive With The GST/HST Tax Credit?

The GST/HST tax credit is calculated by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If you qualify, the overall amount you can receive, as well as the size of your quarterly payments can vary based on the following factors:

  • How many children you have living at home
  • How old your children are (they must be under 19 years of age)
  • Your individual or household income during the previous tax year-end
  • Your current marital status (single, married or common-law partnership)

Max Annual GST/HST Tax Credit Amounts

The maximum GST/HST tax credit amount you’ll receive is the following amounts during the period of July 2023 to June 2024:

$496For single eligible adults over the age of 19
$171For each child you have that’s under the age of 19 
$650For those who are married or are in a common-law relationship

Find out if you have any uncashed cheques with the CRA.

Do You Qualify For The GST/HST Tax Credit?

 Not all taxpayers will qualify for the GST/HST tax credit. Here are the types of Canadians that are eligible for this CRA benefit:

  • Permanent residents who are at least 19 years of age
  • Residents who have or have had a common-law partner or spouse
  • Parents who live or have lived with a child under the age of 19

On the other hand, you may not be eligible for the GST/HST tax credit if you are:

Maximum Income Threshold For The GST/HST Tax Credit

Before you apply for any type of federal, provincial or territorial tax benefit, don’t forget to visit the Government of Canada website to make sure that you, your children and/or your spouse/common-law partner meet all the requirements. 

Here are the current individual and household net income limits to become eligible for the GST/HST tax credit:  

SingleMarried/Common Law
Have 0 children$52,255$55,335
Have 1 child$58,755$58,755
Have 2 children$62,175$62,175
Have 3 children$65,595$65,595
Have 4 children$69,015$69,015

Find out if you qualify for the Canada Worker’s Benefit.

How Do I Apply For The GST/HST Tax Credit?

As of 2014, the Canada Revenue Agency is responsible for examining your financial profile and confirming whether or not you are eligible for the GST/HST tax credit. Here are a few other things that you may need to do to apply: 

  • File your income tax return, even if you didn’t earn an income that year (this is necessary to qualify for any provincial or territorial tax credits)
  • Register for a Social Insurance Number (both you and your spouse or common-law partner must have a valid SIN to be eligible)
  • If necessary, fill out the “Information About Your Spouse or Common-Law Partner” section on page 1 of your tax return (SIN, income, etc.)
  • If you are a new resident of Canada and you have children, fill out  Form RC66. If you are a new resident without children, complete Form RC151
  • Apply online by creating a CRA My Account or mail the right documents to your nearest provincial/territorial Canada Revenue Agency office. 

Provincial GST/HST Credits

If you are a qualified taxpayer with a low to moderate income, the GST/HST tax credit can be a good thing to have on your side. Not to mention, you may be able to access these other tax-free credits (in addition to your GST/HST payments): 

  • B.C. Climate Action Tax Credit
  • Ontario Sales Tax Credit
  • Nova Scotia Affordable Living Tax Credit
  • New Brunswick Harmonized Sales Tax Credit
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Income Supplement
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Seniors Benefit
  • Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit
  • Prince Edward Island Sales Tax Credit

These credits are combined with your HST/GST credit quarterly payments.

Are You Eligible For Any Of These Provincial Tax Credits?

Provincial GST/HST CreditsAnnual Maximum Amount
(Single, Married or Common Law Partner)
B.C. Climate Action Tax Credit– up to $447 for Individuals
– $223.50 for a spouse or common-law partner
– $111.50 per child under 19 years of age
– $223.50 for the first child in a single-parent family.
Ontario Sales Tax Credit– $360 for each adult and each child under 19 years of age.
Nova Scotia Affordable Living Tax Credit– $255 for Individuals and couples
– $60 per child (under 19)
New Brunswick Harmonized Sales Tax Credit– $300 for individuals, spouse or common-law partner
– $100 per child ($300 for the first child in a single-parent family)
Newfoundland and Labrador Income Supplement– $520 for single individuals
– $69 for spouses or common-law partner
– $231 per child under 19 years of age.
Newfoundland and Labrador Seniors Benefit– $1,516 for single or married or common-law couples
Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit– $380 per individual, spouse, common-law partner
– $150 per child (up to 2 children)
– $1,060 per family
Prince Edward Island Sales Tax Credit– $110 per individual
– $55 per spouse, common-law partner or qualified dependent

BC Climate Action Tax Credit

BC Climate Action Tax Credit (BCCATC) provides quarterly payments to offset carbon taxes for British Columbia residents. This credit is paid out in combination with the federal GST/HST credit. You can get: 

  • up to $447 for individuals. 
  • $223.50 for a spouse or common-law partner.
  • $111.50 per child under 19 years of age.
  • $223.50 for the first child in a single-parent family.

Ontario Sales Tax Credit

This credit provides a $360 yearly credit per adult and child (under 19) in a family. To receive the maximum amount as an individual, you must have an income below $27,729. This benefit is part of the Ontario Trillium Benefit (OTB) and payments can be paid out monthly instead if you choose. 

Nova Scotia Affordable Living Tax Credit

To help offset any increases in HST, the Nova Scotia Affordable Living Tax Credit provides extra money for low-income taxpayers. Currently, the maximum annual payment amount is $255 for individuals and couples, plus $60 per child. This amount reduces by 5% when the adjusted family net income goes over $30,000.   

New Brunswick Harmonized Sales Tax Credit

Individuals, spouses, and common-law partners can receive a yearly credit of up to $300, with an additional $100 per child over the age of 19 (still living at home). If you’re a single parent, you’ll get $300 for the first child. The full credit amount decreases by 2% if the taxpayer has a net income over $35,000. 

Newfoundland and Labrador Income Supplement

The Newfoundland and Labrador Income Supplement (NLIS) is a non-taxable amount provided for low-income families and individuals, including senior citizens and persons with disabilities. To receive the NLIS you must also be eligible for the federal GST/HST credit, the NLIS and the DTC (Disability Tax Credit).

The maximum payment given is:

  • $520 for singles.
  • $69 for married or common-law partners.
  • $231 per child under the age of 19.

Newfoundland and Labrador Seniors Benefit

A yearly payment of $1,516 for single seniors (65 or older) and spousal/common-law couples where at least one person is a senior with an adjusted family net income of $29,402 or less. Eligible taxpayers with incomes between $29,402 and $41,787 will receive a partial payment.     

Saskatchewan Low-Income Tax Credit

This credit provides up to $380 annually for individuals, spouses/common-law partners and other eligible dependents. Additionally, earn up to $150 per child (2 children maximum) or a yearly credit of $1060 per family. Reductions start when your net income surpasses $35,902. 

Prince Edward Island Sales Tax Credit

A yearly credit of $110 per individual and $55 per common-law partner, spouse or another qualified dependent. If your adjusted family net income is over $30,000, you can receive an extra 0.5% supplement (up to $55). The amount decreases by 2% for incomes over $50,000. 

Other Provincial Financial Assistance Programs

Quebec Social Assistance Learn More
Ontario WorksLearn More
Social Assistance In ManitobaLearn More
Social Assistance British ColumbiaLearn More
Social Assistance PEILearn More
Social Assistance AlbertaLearn More
Income Assistance New BrunswickLearn More
Income Assistance Nova ScotiaLearn More
Saskatchewan Income Support Learn More

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I receive my GST/HST tax credit?

There are two ways to receive your GST/HST tax benefit. You can request for the payments to be mailed to you by the Canada Revenue Agency in 4 separate cheques. Or set up direct deposit through your financial institution using your CRA My Account. On your bank statements, the deposit may show up as Canada FPT.

Can I ask to receive my GST/HST Tax Credit in a lump sum?

Generally speaking, the Canada Revenue Agency will divide your full GST/HST tax credit into 4 equal payments, spread out over a single tax year. However, if your total payment amount adds up to less than $50, the CRA may send it to you all at once. 

What should I do if I haven’t received my GST/HST Tax Credit payment?

If you haven’t received your GST/HST Tax Credit payment on the scheduled GST/HST payment dates, please wait 10 working days before contacting the CRA. You can contact them using the following number: 1-800-387-1193.
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Bryan Daly

Bryan is a graduate of Dawson College and Concordia University. He has been writing for Loans Canada for five years, covering all things related to personal finance, and aims to pursue the craft of professional writing for many years to come. In his spare time, he maintains a passion for editing, writing screenplays, staying fit, and travelling the world in search of the coolest sights our planet has to offer.

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