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While some provinces have well over a hundred thousand cases of COVID-19, Saskatchewan stands at a mere 10,000. Despite its low numbers, the Government of Saskatchewan is not taking any chances. Numerous measures have been placed to help combat the spread of the virus. This includes mandatory masks wearing, physical distancing, lower room capacity, and suspension of numerous services.

As a result, a number of individuals and businesses have been affected financially. Thankfully, the Government of Canada has responded by providing a variety of benefits for income support. Depending on the province you live in, you may find additional benefits like the BC Recovery Benefit. In Saskatchewan, there is the Saskatchewan Temporary Wage Supplement Program (STWSP).

What is The Saskatchewan Temporary Wage Supplement Program (STWSP)?

The STWSP was first launched during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, earlier this year. It was a program aimed to provide financial assistance to workers who care for Saskatchewan’s most vulnerable. Applications were originally meant to end on September 1, 2020, but due to new restrictions on care facilities, the benefit has been extended and expanded to include more workers. 

The new restriction involved the suspension of visits to all long-term care facilities and personal care homes. This, in turn, is likely to increase the workload for many care facility workers. In order to help, the Government of Saskatchewan has introduced phase 2 of the STWSP. Under phase 2, eligible workers will receive a temporary wage supplement of $400 every 4 weeks for two periods: November 19, 2020, to December 16, 2020, and December 17, 2020, to January 13, 2021.  

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Who’s Eligible For The Saskatchewan Temporary Wage Supplement Program?

In order to be eligible for the Saskatchewan Temporary Wage Supplement Program, you must be employed at an approved essential care facility. The types of care facilities eligible include: 

  • Personal care homes that are licensed with The Personal Care Homes Act
  • Special-care home designated that abides by The Provincial Health Authority Act
  • An integrated health care facility 
  • Home-based senior care (workers who provide care at the senior’s house)

Anyone who works in these facilities will be eligible for the STWSP. This includes housekeepers, cooks, janitors, administrative staff, and more. Moreover, you don’t have to be a full-time employee to receive this benefit. Whether you’re part-time or on-call you can receive this benefit as there is no income requirement. However, it’s important to note that workers working with these facilities as third-party contractors are not eligible for this benefit.

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How do You Apply For The STWSP?

The STWSP application process is very simple and you can apply for both periods with a single application. Eligible applicants can apply by filling out this online application form, which will be open until February 15, 2021. 

To apply you’ll need to provide personal information such as your name, address and SIN number. You’ll also need to provide information regarding your employment such as the name of the company and the number of hours you’ve worked (or expect to work). Lastly, you’ll need to provide some banking information to receive the benefit. Here are some documents you’ll need to provide during the application: 

  • Proof of income (a recent copy of your pay stub)
  • Direct deposit information (void cheque or certified direct deposit form)

Once you complete your application, you’ll have to declare that the information you provided is true and that you consent to the information being used to verify eligibility. Once submitted, you can expect to receive your benefit in a few business days. 

Saskatchewan Temporary Wage Supplement Program FAQS

What is the income requirement for the STWSP?

There is no income requirement for the STWSP. Eligibility is based on where you work. 

How much money am I eligible to get under the STWSP?

Qualified applicants will receive a flat amount of $400 every 4 weeks during two periods: November 19 to December 16, 2020, and from December 17, 2020, to January 13, 2021.

When is the application deadline for the STWSP?

Applicants can apply for this credit till February 15, 2021. 

How fast can I receive my STWSP benefit?

The Government of Saskatchewan aims to process the applications within 5 business days. After which, it will take 2-3 business days for payments to arrive by direct deposit and up to 3 weeks by cheque. 

Bottom Line

As Canadians continue to grapple with the hardships brought on by COVID-19, the Government of Canada has created a number of programs to help with it. This includes the CRB, CERCA, CESB and other income support programs. Hopefully, with the help of these programs, Canadians can start to tackle the financial troubles they may be experiencing.

Priyanka Correia, BComm avatar on Loans Canada
Priyanka Correia, BComm

Priyanka Correia is a Marketing Coordinator and personal finance expert at Loans Canada. Priyanka completed her Bachelor's degree in Marketing at Concordia University and has published work that has been mentioned in various news media. She is passionate about money management and educating Canadian consumers about how to take control of their financial lives.

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