Loans Canada Want To Give You A $750 Scholarship For Your Financial Literacy & Practical Money Skills

Our goal is to help Canadians make better financial decisions, and we believe that financial literacy is the key to this mission. Financial literacy is a lifelong commitment, and we want to encourage students to be mindful about their relationship with money early on in their lives.

For this reason, Loans Canada is awarding one lucky student a scholarship of $750 twice a year.

All you have to do is show us how financial literacy has made a difference in your life. Tell us how you've budgeted, saved, invested, paid down debt, applied for as many scholarships as possible, or how your side hustle has helped you bring in extra cash. We want to know how your exceptional financial management efforts have made a positive impact on your life.

We understand that qualifying for a scholarship can be challenging. That's why we're not asking for your GPA, and we're leaving this open-ended without any strict qualification rules (there is no minimum or maximum word count). We want to hear your story! We want to know what you've learned and how you intend to use your financial knowledge to build a better future for yourself.

However, we remind you that plagiarism is not allowed.

How do you apply?

The table below illustrates the different application windows.

Fill out this form to be the next winner!

Note: We need your email and phone number so we can contact you if you win. Please check the opt-in box if you would like to receive product offers and newsletters from Loans Canada.
Submit your proof of enrollment here
If you'd like to withdraw from the award, you may do so by contacting us directly at

Qualification Rules

To be considered for the Loans Canada Scholarship, you must:

  • Be 30 years old or younger.
  • Must be enrolled or accepted for enrolment as a full-time or part-time student in the academic year at an accredited post-secondary institution.
  • Must certify that all information provided on your application form is accurate.
  • Complete the application form on this page.
  • Must have a valid Canadian bank account.