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In Canada, many residents need access to social and financial assistance programs to live comfortably. This is particularly true in Manitoba, where nearly 14% of the population falls within the “low income” bracket.

If you live in Manitoba and require some financial support, the Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) program can help. 

Key Takeaways

What does EIA stand for?Employment and Income Assistance.
What is EIA?The EIA program provides income, employment, and rent support to low-income Manitobans.
EIA Payment DatesPayments are made once a month on the third-to-last business day of the month. 
Application ProcessInterested Manitobans can apply via telephone or in-person. 

What Is The Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) Program In Manitoba?

The Employment and Income Assistance Program (EIA) was introduced to help Manitoba residents and their families get by when they have insufficient household incomes. Manitobans who are capable of working can also use the program to access different types of employment support and find new jobs

Additionally, EIA offers benefits for people who can’t afford essential health costs, like medical supplies and prescription medications. It even features benefits from Manitoba’s Rent-Assist Program, which helps receivers pay for housing costs and provides financial coverage for single parents and people with disabilities. 

What Is Covered Under The Employment And Income Assistance (EIA) Program In Manitoba?

Manitoba’s EIA program offers support in several areas including, employment, income, and rent. 

Income Support

Manitobans who aren’t making a sufficient income can become eligible for a mix of federal and provincial benefits to cover various living costs, such as housing and utilities through Rent-Assist, medical fees, and childcare through the Canada Child Benefit

Since these costs are higher in certain areas, residents of Northern Manitoba may receive extra coverage with the Northern Allowance benefit. 

Check out the government of Manitoba’s website to see how much you may qualify for.

Employment Support

The EIA Program also provides beneficiaries with different kinds of job support, like training programs for employment or self-employment, as well as coverage for childcare and work-related costs (clothing, tools, etc.). If a candidate works hard enough, they may even become eligible for a Rewarding Work Allowance of $100 per month.

Applicants who can work must be consistently looking for a job to qualify for employment support through EIA, especially if they need financial coverage. However, there are some exceptions to this rule, like parents with children under the age of 2 or people with disabilities that stop them from working. \

Rent Assist

Rent Assist is a financial benefit available to Manitoba residents who receive Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) and need financial help to cover housing costs, as well as to other eligible low-income renters.

Manitoba residents who are already receiving EIA will receive Rent Assist benefits as well if they have eligible housing costs. These Rent Assist benefits will be included with EIA payments. 

Health Costs

  • Dental & Optical Care Services – If an applicant stays on EIA for at least 6 months, they can get coverage for part of their dental costs (cleanings, etc.). Similar rules apply to vision care, like eye exams (every 2 years), glasses (every 3 years) and new lenses. Wait times can be moved up during emergencies.
  • Chiropractic Treatments – Back and spine treatments can be expensive but EIA can help pay for chiropractic appointments that are covered by Manitoba Health. To qualify, candidates must have their request and payment amount approved by the Chiropractic Review Panel before their appointment. 
  • Medical Equipment/Supplies & Prescription Drugs – EIA also provides partial payment for medical equipment and supplies that aren’t covered by the other health plans, like Home Care. Some prescriptions can qualify too. Beneficiaries will receive the same coverage as Pharmacare offers, minus the deductible.           

Other Benefits

  • Additional Costs For Newborns – If the applicant has a newborn baby, they can receive extra assistance through EIA to pay for related costs, like cribs and other essential items (on top of their other payments). Beneficiaries can qualify for up to $250 for their first child, plus $75 per child after their first.
  • Start-Up Allowance – Renters can use EIA to receive a single payment of $500 to cover necessary furnishings for their homes. This allowance is only available to residents who can’t access their own furnishings due to a separation/divorce or have lost them to a disaster (fire, flood, etc.).
  • School Supplies For Child Dependents – Along with learning centre fees, EIA provides limited coverage for a child’s school supplies, if they’re between the ages of 5 and 17. 

What Are The Employment And Income Assistance (EIA) Payment Dates For 2024?

Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) payments are generally made on the third-to-last business day of each month.

As such, you can expect your payments to arrive on the following dates: 

Payment Dates
January 29, 2024
February 27, 2024 
March 27, 2024
April 26, 2024
May 29, 2024
June 26, 2024
July 29, 2024
August 28, 2025
September 26, 2024
October 29, 2024
November 27, 2024
December 27, 2024
Note: Payment dates are approximate.

Who Is Eligible For The Employment And Income Assistance Program (EIA) In Manitoba? 

EIA is separated into 3 main benefit categories: 

General Assistance

General low-income adults can apply for the default EIA program, where they can qualify for coverage if they: 

  • Are a resident of Manitoba 
  • Are between 18 and 64 years old 
  • Have no physical or mental disabilities and are:
    • Single with no dependents
    • A couple with no dependents
    • A 2-parents family
  • Have serious financial needs 

Single Parents 

An adult who has no spouse or common-law partner must:

  • Be a Manitoba resident 
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Be unmarried, divorced, separated, widowed or have a partner in prison
  • Meet the Program’s financial/income requirements
  • Be 7 to 9 months pregnant OR have custody of one or more dependent children

Persons With Disabilities 

If the applicant has one or more disabilities, they can get partial coverage for essential and ongoing medical expenses. To qualify, an applicant must:

  • Be a Manitoba resident
  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have serious financial needs
  • Have a mental or physical impairment that makes it difficult to earn income and is predicted to last at least 90 days 

You may qualify for financial assistance under the EIA if the total monthly cost of your household’s basic expenses exceeds your total financial resources, including your income and assets. These factors also determine the benefit amount(s) you may qualify for.

Can I Qualify For EIA Benefits If I Quit My Job Or Get Fired?

A major component of the EIA program is to help Manitoba residents find suitable employment. But what if you already have a job and choose to quit? Or what if you got fired from your job because of poor performance or something you did that justified your firing? Can you still qualify for EIA?

Your eligibility for EIA benefits depends on whether or not you have “just cause” for leaving a job. In other words, you must have a good reason for leaving or refusing a job.

Here are some examples that may be considered just cause for quitting or not working:

  • You need to care for an immediate family member
  • Your employer changed your hours or location of work, which affected your ability to care for your children
  • You’re being asked to work too much overtime
  • Your job goes against your religious beliefs or ethics
  • Your health condition makes it difficult to perform at work
  • Your work environment is unsafe
  • You’re being harassed or discriminated against 

If you leave your job, you must submit a copy of your Record of Employment (ROE) from your last job that you worked at in the 6 months prior to applying for EIA. You should describe the situation that prompted you to leave your job and how you tried to rectify the problem. 

How Do You Apply For The Employment And Income Assistance (EIA) Benefits?

Before you can apply, you and your spouse/partner (if any) have to attend a pre-intake orientation with an EIA representative. At this meeting, you will receive information about the program, including your rights, responsibilities and required documentation. 

To book an appointment call or visit the following: 

For residents who live in WinnipegCall 204-948-4000
Visit in-person at: 111 Rorie Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3L6
For residents who live outside of WinnipegCall toll free 1-855-944-8111
Visit in-person at your local Regional Social Services office.

What Is The Employment And Income Assistance (EIA) Application Process Like?

  1. During the pre-intake orientation, the EIA representative will determine your eligibility for social and financial support in Manitoba. The representative will use the pre-intake orientation to ask about your income, assets, monthly expenses, employment and other personal information. 
  2. Following the initial pre-intake orientation, you will receive a new intake appointment date, during which you can complete your application. 
  3. During the application process, your EIA representative will tally up your income and assets to determine if your financial needs outweigh your total income and assets. If all information and amounts respect the terms of The Employment and Income Assistance Act and Regulation, you should be eligible to receive the difference between your financial resources and the financial needs that EIA will cover. 

Other Social Benefits Offered By The Manitoba Government

In addition to income and employment support, eligible Manitobans can access other benefits and programs, including the following.

Manitoba Social Assistance Programs (Through the Department of Families) 

  • Manitoba Child Care Subsidy. This program covers a portion of the fees a family is charged when their children are enrolled in a certified learning or childcare facility. Coverage depends on their household income, number of children and children’s ages (they must be 12 weeks to 17 years old to qualify).
  • Manitoba Rent-Assist & Social Housing Rental Programs. Thanks to Manitoba Housing, low-income earners can get help covering their rent. Alternatively, they can enter a subsidy program that covers the difference between their rent payments and the market rate of their unit.
  • 55 PLUS Program. Low-income seniors in Manitoba can use EIA to qualify for the 55 PLUS Program. It is a quarterly payment plan that offers $161.80 for single people and $173.90 per person in a qualified marriage or common-law partnership. To be eligible, candidates must be at least 55 years old.

Bottom Line

If you’re a low-income resident of Manitoba, you may qualify for financial assistance through the Employment and Income Assistance (EIA) program. These extra funds can be used to cover various costs of living if you’re unable to support yourself or your family. And if you’re able to work but just need a little help finding suitable employment, EIA can help you re-enter the workforce by providing employment support.

EIA Program FAQs

How will I receive my EIA payment(s)?

EIA payments are sent by direct deposit, which is why you must bring your banking information when completing your application process.

What happens if I receive more than I am eligible for under the EIA program?

If you’re sent the wrong EIA payment amount, you may be responsible for repaying what you owe. Alternatively, the department may retrieve your overpayment by sending you smaller payments or placing a lien on one of your assets until you repay what you owe.

Are there any annual reviews for EIA?

Yes, after you’re approved for Employment and Income Assistance in Manitoba, a yearly review form will be sent to you by mail, which you must complete to continue receiving benefits. This form allows you to update any personal or financial information and helps the EIA department decide if you are still eligible for the program.
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Bryan Daly

Bryan is a graduate of Dawson College and Concordia University. He has been writing for Loans Canada for five years, covering all things related to personal finance, and aims to pursue the craft of professional writing for many years to come. In his spare time, he maintains a passion for editing, writing screenplays, staying fit, and travelling the world in search of the coolest sights our planet has to offer.

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