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The Canada Federal Deposit, also known as the EFT Credit Canada is a payment from the Canadian federal government. These Canada fed payments or EFTs represent many different federal payments, so it can cause some confusion when the money is deposited into your bank account.

In this article, we detail everything you need to know about federal deposits, including payment dates, and eligibility requirements.

What Is A Canada Fed Deposit? 

These Canada fed payments or EFTs represent any federal payment from the following federal support programs:

How Do Canada Fed Deposits Work?

When the government deposits money into your bank account, it’s filed under a series of different codes. One of them is “Canada Fed”, a payment you may notice when you review your bank statement. The other code is EFT Credit Canada. Both of these are federal deposit payments.

As with any deposit into your account, it’s important to know where it came from to determine if the money belongs to you and how it factors into your budget. It is your money that you can use to pay down any personal loans, any other debts, or to buy things. Also, getting these deposits does not affect your credit score.

When Can You Expect To Receive a Canada Fed Deposit?

The dates you receive the Canada Fed Deposit depends on the benefit or combination of benefits you’re eligible for.  Some of the benefits have quarterly payments while others have monthly payments. 

Canada Fed Deposit Payment Dates 2025

Canada Child Benefits (CCB)Child Disability Benefit (CDB)GST/HST Tax Credit PaymentsAdvance Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) Payments Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) Payment Dates
January 20, 2025January 20, 2025January 3, 2025January 10, 2025January 15, 2025
February 20, 2025February 20, 2025April 4, 2025July 11, 2025April 15, 2025
March 20, 2025March 20, 2025July 4, 2025October 10, 2025July 15, 2025
April 17, 2025April 17, 2025October 3, 2025October 15, 2025
May 20, 2025May 20, 2025
June 20, 2025June 20, 2025
July 18, 2025July 18, 2025
August 20, 2025August 20, 2025
September 19, 2025September 19, 2025
October 20, 2025October 20, 2025
November 20, 2025November 20, 2025
December 12, 2025December 12, 2025

Are You Eligible For The Canada Fed Deposit Government Programs?

To receive these deposits, you must be eligible for one or more of the programs listed above.

The eligibility for each program differs and can change yearly. That said, you’re automatically considered for each program when you file your annual income taxes.

Canada Child Benefits (CCB)

The Canada Child Benefit is a federal program that helps medium-low-income households with children. It is meant to improve access to the necessary supplies and services needed when raising children. 

When you see this payment, it will either be noted as either Canada Fed or Canada CCB. They refer to the same thing. You can check with your Revenue Canada account to see if you received the payment for the child tax credit. It goes towards anyone raising children under the age of 18. 

Canada Child Benefits (CCB) Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the Canada Child Benefit, the household must meet the following criteria:

  • Taxpaying Canadian status
  • Reside with a child younger than 18
  • Be the primary caregiver of the child
  • Either you or your partner must be either:
    • Canadian citizen
    • Permanent resident

When you file your income taxes for the year, you are automatically enrolled in this program. The government has centralized payments via direct deposit, so you can track these in your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) portal. 

Child Disability Benefit (CDB)

The CDB is a non-taxable credit that is paid out monthly to families or individuals with children (under 18) who have severe and prolonged physical or mental impairment. 

Child Disability Benefit Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this benefit, you must qualify for: 

GST/HST Tax Credit

The GST/HST is a non-taxable credit that is paid out quarterly to individuals and families with low to modest incomes. The credit is meant to offset the sales tax they pay on regular goods and services.

GST/HST Tax Credit Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for the GST/HST tax credit you must simply be a resident of Canada for income tax purposes. You must also be 19 years of age to receive the payment. If you’re under this age, you must meet one of the following criteria to be eligible: 

  • You are in a common-law relationship or have a spouse. 
  • You are a parent and live with your child.

Canada Workers Benefit (CWB)

The Canada Workers Benefit is a taxable credit that is available to residents of Canada with medium-low incomes. This means that the amount you collect from the benefit must be reported for tax purposes. This credit is meant to help individuals and families earning low income cope with the increase in cost of living.

Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this benefit, you must meet the following criteria: 

  • Earn a working income below the net income threshold set by your province or territory.
  • Be the age of majority (19) or live with your child or spouse/common-law partner.
  • Live in Canada for the whole tax year.

Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR)

Formerly known as the Climate Action Incentive Payment (CAIP), the Canada Carbon Rebate is meant to help offset the cost of federal pollution pricing. The government is offering this non-taxable tax credit to individuals and families within these provinces. 

If you live in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island or Ontario, then you may be eligible for the Canada Carbon Rebate. 

Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for this incentive, you must: 

  • Be a resident of one of the listed provinces above for income tax purposes.
  • Be the age of majority (19).
  • If you’re under 19, you must have a spouse/common-law partner or live with your child.

How Much Can You Get Through The Canada Fed Deposit?

Like the Canada fed deposit payment dates, the amount you can get depends on the benefits you qualify for. Here are the maximum amounts you may receive through the Canada fed deposit.

Maximum Yearly Benefit Amount
Canada Child Benefits (CCB)$7,787 for children under 6
$6,570 for children aged 6 to 17
Child Disability Benefit (CDB)$3,322 for children under 18
GST/HST Tax Credit$519 for single individuals
$680 for married or those in common-law relationship
$179 for each child under 19
Canada Workers Benefit (CWB)$1,518 for single individuals; $2,616 for families
Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR)Varies by province 

Canada Child Benefits (CCB) Benefit Amount

The exact amount you qualify for depends on your adjusted family net income (AFNI), your marital status, the age of your child and the number of children you have. 

When a child is younger than six, you can get up to $7,787 a year per child. This amount drops to a maximum of $6,570 per year for children between 6 to 17. 

Child Disability Benefit Amount

Children eligible for the disability tax credit (DTC), can get up to $3,322 per year through the Child Disability Benefit (CDB).

GST/HST Tax Credit Amount

The exact amount you receive varies based on your earnings for the previous years. Your household size also gets taken into account. A single individual is eligible for a total of $519 per year, though the amount increases if you have dependents. 

You can get up to $179 per child you have who is under 19 years of age. Those who are married or in a common-law relationship can get up to $680.

Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) Amount

The CWB program has two components, the basic amount and the disability payment. 

For the basic amount, single individuals are eligible for the maximum payout of $1,518 and $2,616 for families. 

If you have a disability, you may also be eligible for an additional disability supplement of up to $784 per year under the CWB program. 

Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR)

The amount you get through the Canada Carbon Rebate (CCR) depends on the province you live in and your family composition. Below are the quarterly base amounts you’ll get for each payment: 

  • Alberta – You can get $225 as an individual and $112.50 for a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $56.25 for each child under 19. 
  • Saskatchewan – You can get $188 as an individual and $94 for a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $9.40 for each child under 19.
  • Manitoba – You can get $150 as an individual and $75 for a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $37.50 for each child under 19.
  • Ontario – You can get $140 as an individual and $70 for a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $35 for each child under 19.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador – You can get $149 as an individual and $74.50 if you have a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $37.25 for each child under 19.
  • Nova Scotia – You can get $103 as an individual and $51.50 if you have a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $25.75 for each child under 19.
  • Prince Edward Island – You can get $110 as an individual and $55 if you have a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $27.50 for each child under 19.
  • New Brunswick –  You can get $95 as an individual and $47.50 if you have a spouse or common-law partner. If you have children, you can get $23.75 for each child under 19.

Other Types Of Government Bank Deposits

There are multiple government deposits; for ease of budget tracking for both the government and the recipient, there are different codes. If you qualify for the Fed deposit, you likely will encounter one of the following bank deposits as well:  

Canada RIT Deposit

Short for the Canada Refund Income Tax (Canada RIT) is issued by Revenue Canada to those who receive a tax return. It arrives somewhere between one to six weeks after you file your annual income tax return.

If the government reassesses your tax return, you may receive this credit at a random time. Check your online portal to make sure you are entitled to it. Since the credit is tax-free, it neither adds to your tax bracket nor do you have to pay tax on it.

Canada PRO Deposit

For residents of Alberta and Ontario, you can qualify for this benefit. It is income-based, where the amount is calculated when you file your taxes. If it doesn’t show up as a Canada PRO deposit, will likely show up as one of two statement codes:

Final Thoughts About The Canada Fed Deposit

Getting an unexpected payment that’s rightfully yours? Wonderful. Not actually being entitled to that amount? Less so. The key takeaway about any type of deposit is that you must check that it is rightfully yours. When the money is in your account, it’s your responsibility. This could mean anything from getting an overpayment, spending it, and then having to repay it to simply paying taxes on the benefit. 

There are plenty of government assistance programs available for Canadians to get financial support. As long as you qualify, most of the application comes when you file your taxes. Provided you are prudent about record-keeping and tax savings, you can use these Canada Fed deposits to strengthen your financial standing. 

Canada Fed Deposit FAQs

Is the Canada Fed deposit taxable income? 

Neither the Child Benefit nor the GST/HST deposits are taxable. The Canada Workers Benefit is, however, taxable income. Be sure that you check the source of your federal deposit to determine whether you need to set aside some of the proceeds for tax purposes. 

How to confirm my Canada Federal deposit?

The fastest way to verify the payment is through the online portal, called the CRA My Account. It records all of your benefit payments and entitlement, so you can be sure of the money’s source. Check the date, the amount, and the program from which the funds originate. Provided everything aligns with your records, you’ve confirmed the deposit. 

What is the Canada FPT deposit? 

This is short for Federal-Provincial-Territorial deposit, and it means that you received a type of government deposit. The acronym comes up when the program includes provincial matters but gets paid through the federal government. The most common two are GST or CCB payments. As with other government deposits, you can check your CRA portal to be sure. 

Will the CRA contact me by text message?

No, the CRA will never send you a text message or instant message about your taxes. This is a common scam, be wary of any text messages from the “CRA” asking for your personal information. 
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Corrina Murdoch

Corrina Murdoch has been a dedicated freelance writer and editor for several years. With an academic background in the sciences and a penchant for mathematics, she seeks to provide readers with accurate, reliable information on important topics. Working as a print journalist for several years, Corrina expanded her reach into the digital sphere to help more people gain insight into the realm of finances. When she's not writing, you can find Corrina swimming and spending time with family.

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