• Earn up to 2 points on ALL card purchases* without restrictions*!
  • Reassuring protection. Travel with peace of mind thanks to our comprehensive insurance coverage for up to 60 days:
    • Out-of-province-of-residence medical/hospital insurance
    • Departure flight delay insurance
    • Baggage insurance in case of delay
    • Baggage insurance in case of theft or loss
    • Rental vehicle insurance
  • Medical, general and legal assistance
  • Purchase protection in case of theft or damage*
  • Extended Warranty*
  • Concierge service
  • With the À la carte Rewards Plan® (the “À la carte Plan”), you earn points for every dollar on eligible purchases. These points may be exchanged for rewards such as merchandise, a travel package, a gift card, a travel discount, a donation, a financial product, repayment with rewards points or any other reward offered under the À la carte Plan.

Annual Fee: $115


  • Purchase APR: 20.99%
  • Balance Transfer APR: 22.49%
  • Cash Advances: 22.49%

Min. Credit Score Range Recommended:

Legal (from issuer):
Details of eligible rewards points
Certain restrictions apply. For more information, consult the Rewards plan section or the Plan rules regarding how to earn points.
Credit Terms
Grace period: No interest will be charged on purchases made during the month, provided the client pays the balance in full within twenty-one (21) days of the statement date. This grace period does not apply to cash advances or balance transfers. Minimum payment: If your account balance is lower than $10, you must pay the entire balance. If you reside in the province of Quebec, your minimum payment will correspond to 5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. If you reside outside of Quebec, your minimum payment represents 2.5% of the credit card account balance plus any overdue payment or $10, whichever amount is higher. Account statement: A statement is sent monthly.
Example of credit charges over a 30-day period
Annual interest rateAverage balance
*Variable interest rate in effect on September 1, 2021 Balance transfer and cash advance are subject to credit approval by National Bank. Each balance transfer must be at least $250.
Travel and health insurance conditions
This coverage applies to purchases and rentals charged in part to the card, except out-of-province medical/hospital insurance for which the travel arrangements need not be charged to the card and lost or delayed luggage insurance where all transportation costs must be charged to the card. This coverage applies to the primary cardholder, their spouse and/or dependent children when they (spouse and/or dependent children) travel with the primary cardholder. Extended warranty coverage applies to most new items purchased with the card, in Canada or abroad, as long as the manufacturer's warranty is valid in Canada. Certain conditions and restrictions apply. For more information and for details of your insurance coverage, please consult the insurance certificate associated with your card.